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Trauma of ANY Kind Stores In Our Bodies at a Cellular Level!

anger, grief, worry, fear

Repressed emotional memories remain alive and active; influencing and directing our lives for good or ill. Until resolved they never disappear on their own and ignoring them only perpetuates them. The consequences of repressing damaged emotions are virtually all negative. Negative emotions restrict our lives in many ways, enslaving us with compulsions, negative habits, causing us to act socially in inappropriate ways, creating illness in our bodies, sabotaging our efforts to achieve success and leading to undesirable situations and relationships while destroying the good situations and relationships in our lives. Unresolved emotions can misguide our judgment in financial matters, rob us of a sense of purpose in life and prevent us from gaining a sense of direction or focus in our choices as well as block and slow down our spiritual growth. Over time our consciousness can fade and we begin to disregard others and turn to crime and violence to ward our self and others. Some turn to drugs and alcohol to ease the pain that they are not even aware they have anymore. Self harm in the form of overeating or cutting. The list goes on. You deserve to 'Let It Go.: Choosing to avoid conscious awareness of your thoughts and feelings and not dealing with them as they occur is an act of fear and leads to incorrect perceptions of Truth. Unresolved thoughts, feelings and emotions are not just stored in the brain and heart they can be stored anywhere in the body. Your body contains 100 trillion cells that contain 6gb of memory. Your unresolved issues will stay stored as a living program until you deal with them. You become dysfunctional and your sense of peace and happiness decreases. This cellular programming determines your habits, likes, dislikes, your state of physical and emotional health, abilities to function and make progress. It also determines our attitudes and reactions to life's challenges.

How Does an Emotional Release Work?

​During a release you are provided with a safe, accepting, unconditionally loving environment where you will feel safe to release whatever it is that you are ready to release. If you are not ready to release a damaged emotion, you will not release anything that you are not ready to. If you are not ready to let it go that issue will not even come up. The only things you will become aware of are those things you are ready to acknowledge and let go of. It is proven that are brains file things away to protect us. You will only remember and deal with an issue if you are ready!

What is the Session Like?

​During the emotional release we will first talk a little bit, than you will lay on the massage table in a dimly lit room. (or you may sit, your preference) I may diffuse essential oils and apply an oil to your feet. (for those wanting prayer, that WILL be done, again, we respect all views) and I may have you apply oil to yourself to help facilitate the release of an emotion. I listen and you release whatever comes to your mind or is put on your heart. You are in control of what is released, I am just there to help and guide you .

Access Energetic Frequencies...

When your session is over you will be better able to access energetic frequencies and higher states of consciousness at will. You see your life moving forward in the powerful, positive direction that you set forth during your session! ​Identify and release the negative subconscious patterns and blocked energy that are obstructing you from experiencing inner peace, emotional well-being, and your natural state of happiness and bliss. Make your appointment TODAY!

Be Willing ....

To be free of your unresolved emotions YOU must

*Be willing to release and let go of that which does not serve you in a positive and productive way. * Be willing to be aware of emotions past and present, pleasant and unpleasant. *Be willing to accept personal responsibility of your emotions.

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